Our Work

Our work in the watershed.

Events like the Downstream Environmental Film Festival and the Annual Watershed-Wide Cleanup bring together local organizations and community members with activities that educate and inspire involvement in improving water quality.

Our conservation program builds resilience in the watershed and its communities by promoting practices that are sustainable ecologically, economically, and culturally. We help farmers implement cover crops and conservation tillage, increase continuous living cover through perennial and alternative cropping, and amplify the products and leadership of local sustainable and regenerative farmers.

We are building a learning community of farmers and the ag professionals who support them while working to shift our watershed culture toward conservation. The Cannon River watershed can be a regional hub for sustainable soil and water management. It will empower the networks we’re building to share their knowledge and be conservation leaders within their communities and beyond.

To see the diverse range of conservation initiatives that Clean River Partners has been involved with, check out our complete project map. Click the top left corner to view project categories.

Habitat Protection and Restoration

Partnering to protect and conserve critical habitats for our community's cultural, environmental, and economic benefits.

Farmers Protecting Bridgewater Streams

Studying the impacts of regenerative agriculture practices like conservation tillage and cover crops on the Rice Creek watershed.

Kernza® Development

Promoting a shift from annual to perennial agricultural practices by increasing continuous living cover on the land.

Cannon River Agricultural Collaborative

A collaborative network of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and other groups to promote regenerative agriculture.

Stormwater Education and Water Conservation

Promoting sustainable practices and educating the public about how their everyday actions impact water quality.

Cannon River Watershed-wide Cleanup

Bringing communities together to clean up area parks, rivers, and lakes within the Cannon River watershed to improve water quality.

State Drinking Water Action Plan

Our work with the Minnesota Department of Health to develop a ten-year Drinking Water Action Plan with an emphasis on equitable access.

Downstream Environmental Film Festival

Showcasing filmmakers who use their craft to delve into environmental justice and motivate us to take care of the land, water, and habitats of southern Minnesota.

Volunteer Corps

Volunteer Corps is a new initiative that offers hands-on volunteer opportunities in and around Northfield, MN!

We are so grateful for our funders!

Community Impact and Strategic Framework

These documents provide an overview of our key goals and accomplishments, program development, and financial support from year to year.